Villa Belvedere 빌라 벨베데레 ★★★★
Remisens Villa Belvedere is located in the town of Lovran. Surrounded by a lush Mediterranean park, it stretches all the way down to the Lungomare promenade next to Hotel Bristol. A spacious sun terrace with loungers provides relaxation for guests. Guests are welcome to use all the facilities at the Hotel Bristol, that can be reached in a 2 minute walk. Hotel also includes an à-la-carte restaurant.
호텔 상세정보 | 주소, 누리집, 전화번호, 객실시설, 부대시설 등 부가정보
Address Via Bagnoli Croce, 79 - 98039 Taormina
Tel +39 0942 23

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