la Dolce Vita Luxury House 라 돌체 비타 럭셔리 하우스 ★★★★
a Dolce Vita” bed & breakfast is located in the heart of Agrigento, 50 metres from the railways station and from the coach station, and a 5- minute- ride from the wonderful Valle dei Templi. The Bed & breakfast overlooks the magnificent church of San Calogero (12th cent.) and it is inside a palace built at the beginning of the 19th century, recently redecorated, once the mansion house of one of the wealthiest families of Agrigento. This elegant and luxurious baroque style b&b offers the possibility of having lunch or dinner at the adjoining Kalos restaurant or at one of the many other restaurants near the central shopping street Via Atenea
호텔 상세정보 | 주소, 누리집, 전화번호, 객실시설, 부대시설 등 부가정보
Address Piazzetta San Calogero - Salita Filino,3 Agrigento - 92100
Tel +39 329 57 24 310

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